Schedule C

Lost in the Stars

Kurt Weill
Original Language:
Maxwell Anderson

Musical Tragedy in Two Acts


Based on Alan Paton’s novel  Cry, the Beloved Country

South Africa
Role Voice Part Classification
Stephen Kumalo Tenor or High-Baritone L
Absalom Kumalo Spoken L
James Jarvis Spoken L
Irina Mezzo-Soprano F
Alex Tenor or Treble F
Leader Tenor or High-Baritone F
John Kumalo Spoken F
Matthew Kumalo Spoken F
Eland Spoken F
Linda Soprano S
Johannes Pafuri Spoken S
Grace Kumalo Spoken S
Edward Jarvis Spoken S
Arthur Jarvis Spoken S
Burton Spoken S
Judge Spoken S
Two Sopranos Sporanos B
Two Tenors Tenors B
Paulus Spoken B
William Spoken B
Foreman Spoken B
Mrs. Mkize Spoken B
Hlabeni Spoken B
Nita Spoken B

'Lost in the Stars' (Kurt Weill) Schedule C Listing Continued on Next Page...

'Lost in the Stars' (Kurt Weill) Schedule C Listing Continued Below...

Soprano Solo Soprano CB
Another Soprano Soprano CB
Mezzo-Soprano Solo Mezzo-Soprano CB
Contralto Solo Contralto CB
Tenor Solo Tenor CB
A Tenor Tenor CB
Another Tenor Tenor CB
Baritone Solo Baritone CB
Bass Solo Bass CB
Answerer Spoken CB
Station Master Spoken CB
Young Man Spoken CB
Young Woman Spoken CB
Jared Spoken CB
Rose Spoken CB
White Woman Spoken CB
White Man Spoken CB
Guard Spoken CB
Single Voice Spoken CB
Servant Spoken CB
Woman’s Voice Spoken CB
Man’s Voice Spoken CB
Minimum Chorus:  32
Divisi:  SATB