It’s Labor Day Parade Season! There are plenty of ways that AGMA members can join in the Labor Day celebrations across the country. Since AGMA’s National Office is located in New York City, we will be marching (walking, strutting…) in that parade on September 7. Anyone in the area is invited to join us and our sibling unions that day. Please register here.
If you can’t make that one, we still hope you attend or participate in a parade near you. The AFL-CIO has set up a nationwide Labor Day event database, but there are many non-AFL-CIO Labor Day events happening around the country, too. To find a Labor Day Parade or celebration near you, we suggest Googling "Labor Day Parades near me" or something similar.
Here are some parades currently on our radar:
- New York City on September 7
- Chicago, IL, on August 31
- Philadelphia, PA, on September 2 (AFL-CIO)
- Bloomington, IL, on September 2 (AFL-CIO)
- Los Angeles, CA, on September 2
- We didn't find a parade in Dallas, TX, but there are a lot of other Labor Day events going on there, including a Labor Day Breakfast hosted by the local AFL-CIO
If you plan to attend a Labor Day event, please let us know. We’d love to help you coordinate. If there is a fee to officially march, please reach out to so we can help you expense that cost. Please be sure to tag us on social media too (@musicalartistsunion)! We’d love to include everyone in our Labor Day Parade roundup on social media, in AGMAzine, and in our monthly newsletter.