
Message from AGMA Dancers VP Antuan Byers: GoFundMe for Fired DBDT Dancers

Published September 3, 2024   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

As a Dallas native, former student in the Dallas Black Dance Academy, and AGMA Officer, I’m reaching out with a heartfelt call to action. The dedicated dancers who gave their all to Dallas Black Dance Theatre were wrongfully terminated after unanimously voting to unionize, and earlier last week, DBDT informed them that their health benefits would be terminated on September 1. These artists, who have been fighting for justice on behalf of all dancers, are now facing an urgent crisis.

I was on the ground in Dallas for the rally on August 17, standing shoulder to shoulder with these dancers, witnessing the profound impact they have on their community as hundreds rallied behind them. None of these dancers are originally from Dallas, and all made life plans, signed leases, and committed to another season with DBDT, believing their jobs were secure. Now, they’re confronted with unexpected challenges as they struggle to cover basic expenses like rent and groceries without the security of their jobs that were unjustly ripped away from them only 10 days before the new season was scheduled to begin and several months after audition season.

The Dancers of DBDT are in territory that we’ve never seen before, but we have an opportunity to make a difference. I urge you to contribute what you can to their GoFundMe campaign. Every donation, no matter the size, can help these dancers stay afloat while we continue the fight for justice alongside them.

Let’s show these incredible dancers that they are not alone.

“Dancers of Dallas Black: We’ve got your back!”

In Solidarity,

Antuan Byers, Dancers Vice President, AGMA