Ned Hanlon’s First President’s Report

Published July 17, 2023   |  By Nikolas Wenzel  |  Post in All Areas

WATCH ON VIMEO Approximate Transcript of President Hanlon’s First Report Originally presented on June 20, 2023 at the AGMA Board Governors June meeting Good afternoon! I’m Ned Hanlon, and it is an HONOR to deliver my FIRST report as AGMA President. I want to officially welcome AGMA’s Board of Governors to this new term. Whether you are new or returning leaders of AGMA, I want to thank you for volunteering your time, expertise, and unique skillsets to our union’s members and the betterment of the Union. And to ALL AGMA members who may be watching or reading these remarks today, thank you for entrusting me with this privilege; I will not let you down. With the new leadership officially installed, it’s time... Read More -->