Schedule C

Christopher Columbus (Christophe Colomb)

D. Milhaud
Original Language:
Paul Claudel
Enter any
Opera in Two Parts and Twenty-Seven Scenes

Spain & America
Role Voice Part Classification
Isabelle, Queen of Spain Soprano L
Christophe Colomb Baritone L
The Narrator Speaker L
Christophe Columb II Baritone F
The Representative of the Sailors Speaker F
Master of Ceremonies Tenor F
Messenger Baritone F
The Cook Tenor F
Counsel for the Prosecution Speaker S
The King of Spain Bass S
Major-Domo Tenor S
The Commandant Bass S
Solo parts from the Chorus: CB Parts and B Parts  
Officer Speaking CB
Counsel for the Defense Tenor-Baritone-Bass CB
Men at the Window Tenor-Bass CB
1st, 2nd, 3rd Guitarists Tenor-Bass-Baritone B
1st, 2nd, 3rd Creditors Tenor-Bass-Baritone CB
Soprano Solo Soprano CB
A Young Man (chorus solo) Tenor CB
One of the Learned Bass CB
The Clerk Speaking CB
The Recruiter Speaking CB
The Executioner Speaking CB

'Christopher Columbus (Christophe Colomb)' (D. Milhaud) Schedule C Listing Continued on Next Page...

'Christopher Columbus (Christophe Colomb)' (D. Milhaud) Schedule C Listing Continued Below...

Huichtlipochtli Bass CB
Quetzalcoatl Bass B
Ixtlipetzloc Baritone B
Tlaloc Tenor CB
1st, 2nd, 3rd, Other One Tenor-Baritone-Bass B
One of the Officers Baritone B
A Voice from the Topmast (solo) Tenor CB
1st, 2nd, 3rd, Wise Men Tenor-Baritone-Bass  B
Christoph Colomb's Wife Soprano B
Christoph Colomb's Mother Contralto B
A Young Man (personifying Colomb) Tenor CB
A More Mature Man (personifying Colomb) Baritone CB
The Shadow of Christoph Columb Bass CB
The Valet Tenor B
The Innkeeper Bass B
The Dutchess of Medina Soprano solo CB
The Sultan of Miramolin Tenor B
1st & 2nd Servants Tenors B
Alto Solo Alto CB
Minimum Chorus:  48