Schedule C

Critic, The

Charles Villiers Stanford
Original Language:
Richard Brinsley Sheridan and Lewis Cairns James
Opera in Two Acts

Based on Sheridan’s 1779 play.
Boosey & Co., Publishers, London, England. Piano/vocal score dated 1915

18th Century
A theater
Role Voice Part Classification
Tilburina Soprano L
Puff, The Author Spoken L
Sir Christopher Hatton Tenor F
Don Ferolo Whiskerandos Tenor F
Sneer, The Critic Spoken F
Justice’s Lady Contralto S
Son Tenor S
Sir Walter Raleigh Baritone S
Governor of Tilbury Fort Baritone S
Earl of Leicester Baritone S
Beefeater Baritone S
Justice Baritone S
Master of the Horse Bass S
Dangle, The Composer Spoken S
Confidant Soprano B
First Niece Soprano B
Second Niece Contralto B
Constable Bass B
Lord Burleigh Silent B
Conductor Spoken B
Sentinel #1 Bass CB
Sentinel #2 Bass CB
Thames Spoken CB
The score states that the following roles may be doubled. Should that be the case, the resulting combinations would be classified as follows:
Sir Christopher Hatton and Son: becomes L
Leicester and Beefeater: becomes L
Justice’s Lady and Second Niece: becomes F
Governor and Justice: becomes F
Master of the Horse and Constable: becomes F
Confidant and First Niece: becomes S
Please be advised: Contact AGMA for classification if you are combining roles, and/or for classification of unassigned lines, and/or for classification of any combination of Chorus and Solo bits from what has been performed previously.
Minimum Chorus:  16
Divisi:  TB