Schedule C

Dybbuk, The

David Tamkin
Original Language:
Alex Tamkin
Enter any
based on a Yiddish play of the same name by S. Ansky

Role Voice Part Classification
Channon Tenor L
Leah Soprano L
Sender Bass F
The Messenger Baritone F
Rabbi Azrael Baritone F
Meyer Bass-Baritone S
Chennoch Baritone S
Frade Mezzo-Soprano S
Elderly Woman Contralto S
1st Batlon Tenor S
2nd Batlon Bass S
3rd Batlon Tenor S
Michael S
Gittel Soprano S
Bassia Mezzo-Soprano S
Three Chassds B
Menashe Tenor B
Rabbi Mendel Tenor B
Asher B
Wedding Guest B
Old Woman B
Mute B

'Dybbuk, The' (David Tamkin) Schedule C Listing Continued on Next Page...

'Dybbuk, The' (David Tamkin) Schedule C Listing Continued Below...

Minimum Chorus:  24
Divisi:  SATB