Schedule C

Grapes of Wrath, The

Ricky Ian Gordon
Original Language:
Michael Korie
Enter any
Opera in Three Acts


Based on the novel by John Steinbeck

1930's Dust Bowl Era
Oklahoma; Southwestern America; California
Role Voice Part Classification
Ma Joad Mezzo Soprano L
Tom Joad Baritone L
Rosasharn Soprano F
Woman #2 Mezzo Soprano F
Jim Casy Tenor F
Al Joad Tenor F
Uncle John Baritone F
Man #1 Baritone F
Connie Rivers Baritone F
Pa Joad Baritone F
Man #2 Tenor S
Man #3 Baritone S
Noah Joad Baritone S
Ruthie Joad Treble or Soprano B
Winfield Joad Treble B
Boy Treble B
Woman #1 Soprano B
Granma Mezzo Soprano B
Grampa Tenor B
Deputy Tenor CB
Jim Tenor CB
Lou Tenor CB
Jake Tenor CB
Guard Baritone CB

'Grapes of Wrath, The' (Ricky Ian Gordon) Schedule C Listing Continued on Next Page...

'Grapes of Wrath, The' (Ricky Ian Gordon) Schedule C Listing Continued Below...

Joe Baritone CB
Fred Baritone CB
Hank Baritone CB
Trucker Baritone CB
Minimum Chorus:  40
Divisi:  SATB