Schedule C

Suor Angelica

Giacomo Puccini
Original Language:
Giovacchino Forzano
Opera in I Act
The 17th Century
A Convent
Role Voice Part Classification
Suor Angelica Soprano L
The Princess Contralto L
The Abbess Mezzo-Soprano S
The Monitor Mezzo-Soprano S
The Mistress of the Novices Mezzo-Soprano S
Suor Genevieve Soprano S
Suor Osima Soprano B
Suor Dolcina Soprano B
The Nursing Sister (Infirmary) Mezzo-Soprano B
Two Lay Sisters Soprano & Mezzo-Soprano B
Two Novices Sopranos CB
Two Tourieres (Alms Collectors) Sopranos B & CB
1st Touriere – B
2nd Touriere – CB
5 Other Sisters CB
Suor Lucilla, a neurotic Mute
Blessed Virgin Mute
A Fair Child Mute

'Suor Angelica' (Giacomo Puccini) Schedule C Listing Continued on Next Page...

'Suor Angelica' (Giacomo Puccini) Schedule C Listing Continued Below...

Minimum Chorus:  21
Divisi:  SA
Chorus Notes:  

There is a Children’s Chorus line, according to the score.

While Chorus music for Tenors and Basses exists in this opera, which takes place in a convent with “no men allowed,” it is rarely performed by singers. Should the company wish to engage TB Choristers, they would follow the regular terms of their CBA.