
Individual Artist Agreement

The Individual Artist Agreement is a contract entered into between the Artist and the AGMA signatory company for which they are working. It is a legal agreement that binds the Artist and the Company to fulfill all the terms and conditions contained in it. All Individual Artist Agreements must be in compliance with the respective Collective Bargaining Agreement.

In AGMA's new standardized Individual Artist Agreement template, which can be downloaded below, our goal is to 1) improve the formatting and functionality of the IAA for both AGMA and our signatory companies, 2) streamline the language in certain sections, and 3) create a document that can be used by all of our signatories, regardless of art form or geographic location.

Please note: The template embedded below was updated on May 26, 2023. These updates are purely administrative and include two changes under Section 2 and one change under Section 3.

Mac users: The best way to fill out our Individual Artist Agreement Template is to download, open, and complete it through Adobe. If you do not have Adobe, we recommend downloading the FREE Adobe Reader.


Individual Artist Contract Submission for AGMA's Records

**For AGMA Signatory Company use only!**