DANCE/NYC Launches Dance Industry Census

Published July 21, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

DANCE/NYC has officially launched its Dance Industry Census. This comprehensive research study aims to better understand the size, makeup, health, and state of the dance ecosystem in the metropolitan New York City area in order to address economic inequities in the field and ensure that all dance workers are recognized and represented. Participants will be able to submit the survey through October 31, 2022. Greater metropolitan area AGMA members working in the dance industry (like dancers, staging staff, teachers, choreographers, dance therapists, etc.) are encouraged to add their voices. An FAQ is available here. Complete the survey at Dance.NYC/DanceIndustryCensus to be counted as a member of the NYC dance community. Any qu... Read More -->

AGMA Ratifies 4-Year Agreements with Pacific Northwest Ballet

Published July 20, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA is happy to report that the new collective bargaining agreements for Dancers and Stage Managers between AGMA and Pacific Northwest Ballet were ratified by AGMA leadership, after being overwhelmingly approved by the respective shops. There have been multiple additions and improvements to the contract language in both the Dancer CBA and the Stage Manager CBA, particularly when it comes to compensation and benefits; health and safety; DEI; and Digital Media. Thank you to the negotiating committee and congratulations on this 4-year agreement! HIGHLIGHTS FOR DANCERS: COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS​ Year 1: Wage increases of 24.5% wage for Apprentices; 4.5% for all other DancersYears 2-4: 3% increases for all0.25% i... Read More -->

Unions Urge House to Vote YES on HR 8294

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Today the House is scheduled to vote on the final passage of HR 8294, which includes the FY23 funding increase for the NEA and NEH. The vote will likely occur between 1:00 and 2:30 p.m. ET.  Increased National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) funding will improve the working lives of AGMA members and other union creative professionals and help our industries/local economies recover from the pandemic’s economic devastation. As part of the Department for Professional Employees, our ultimate goal is to fund the NEA and NEH at $331 million, or $1 per capita. Increasing NEA and NEH funding to $207 million in FY23 is a meaningful step to reaching $331 million. The NEA and NEH support g... Read More -->

AGMA Reaches Tentative Agreement with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

Published July 19, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The AGMA Ailey Negotiating Committee has reached a Tentative Agreement with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. We will soon begin the ratification process and we will have more to share in August. Thank you to each member of the Negotiating Committee for their tireless work toward a fair and equitable contract, and thanks to the public for sharing our message and supporting our cause.  ... Read More -->

AGMA Ratifies 1-Year Extension with Pittsburgh Opera

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AGMA's new one-year extension with Pittsburgh Opera has been ratified by AGMA leadership, after being overwhelmingly approved by the shop. Within this extension, there have been increases in wages and the addition of three new DEI provisions. Thank you to the negotiating committee and congratulations on this 1-year extension! HIGHLIGHTS: COMPENSATION: 2% cost of living increase for production staff1% cost of living increase for performers​20% increase in per diems for visiting soloists DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION Three new DEI provisions:Right to union representation when raising concerns about discrimination and harassmentCommitment to recruiting from historically excluded groupsAgreement to ask for and use artist... Read More -->

AGMA Ratifies 2-Year Agreement with Atlanta Ballet

Published July 18, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA's new collective bargaining agreement with Atlanta Ballet has been ratified by AGMA leadership, after being overwhelmingly approved by the shop. There have been multiple additions and improvements to the contract language, particularly when it comes to more equitable compensation for newer dancers. Thank you to the negotiating committee and congratulations on this 2-year agreement! HIGHLIGHTS: COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS: New Dancer rate  of  $700 will replace the old Apprentice rate – fully $200 morePreserved existing wage structure and seniority for the rest of the company​Approx. 5% increase for most dancers in the first year and 3% in the second year; with a higher increase for dancers below $1,000​Increase... Read More -->

Opera Singer Patrick Shelton Joins AGMA Staff as New York Business Rep

Published July 13, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

Patrick Shelton (he/him/his) has joined AGMA’s professional staff as one of the New York Business Representatives. Originally from Long Island, and after many years living in Boston and Chicago, he is looking forward to returning home. “We are thrilled to have Patrick join this team,” said Sam Wheeler, National Executive Director, AGMA. “His track record when it comes to organizing is indisputable. His longstanding commitment to the labor movement within the Performing Arts, and his experience as an Operatic Soloist, is a tremendous and invaluable asset.” Shelton attended New England Conservatory and Roosevelt University and has worked as a Young Artist and Operatic Soloist. He has performed with AGMA and non-AGMA signa... Read More -->

New Webinar Alert: Staging Staff’s Role in Building an Equitable and Inclusive Production Culture

Published July 7, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

New Webinar Alert! "Staging Staff's Role in Building an Equitable and Inclusive Production Culture” is now available for viewing. On June 27, the Staging Staff Caucus welcomed back guest speakers Narda E. Alcorn and Lisa Porter to present on this important topic. The recording is available exclusively to AGMA members. To watch, members must log in to MyAGMA and visit the “AGMA Webinars” hub (found via the MyAGMA dropdown menu). From there, members should select “AGMA Caucus Webinars.” ... Read More -->

AGMA’s June 2022 Newsletter

Published July 5, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA’s June 2022 Newsletter was emailed to AGMA members in good standing on June 29. As always, members should be sure to check their spam/promotions/other folders, depending on their email provider! Highlights from this newsletter include: an announcement around the successful organizing efforts by the Stage Managers of Des Moines Metro Opera; a letter writing campaign in support of the Artists of Alvin Ailey; recent statements from AGMA President Ray Menard; our Pride Month and Juneteenth messages; contract highlights from recent CBA ratifications; a recap of the June Board of Governors Meeting; and MORE! As a reminder, AGMA members can revisit ALL of AGMA’s past newsletters by visiting the Newsletter Archive on the website (My... Read More -->