

Published February 1, 2023   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

Today AGMA kicks off its 2023 National Officer and Governor Election! Members that want to help shape AGMA’s future, are encouraged to run for office!

AGMA is a democratic union, and the decision-making body of the Union is the AGMA Board of Governors, comprised of National Officers and Governors. Made up of Union Artists, the Board of Governors is an all-volunteer group of AGMA members from different Employment Categories and geographic Regions who meet (virtually) once a month to discuss and set AGMA policies, review and approve collective bargaining agreements, monitor the finances and operations of the Union, and deal with all matters having to do with the employment and collective well-being of the AGMA membership. Every four years, AGMA holds an election for its National Officers and approximately half its Governors. This year, AGMA will hold an election for its National Officers (President, Secretary-Treasurer, Employment Category Vice Presidents and Regional Vice Presidents) and Governors (Area At-Large Governors and Employment Category Governors).

The necessary information, deadline dates, forms, and documents members will need are all in one place on AGMA’s Election Webpage, located behind the MyAGMA Portal. To access the webpage, log in to MyAGMA and select “2023 AGMA National Election” from the MyAGMA dropdown menu.

NOTE: To participate in the election – including signing nominating petitions, running for office, and voting in the election – members must be active members in good standing (paid up on dues and initiation fees or current on all payment plans). Members who are not in good standing and wish to restore their eligibility to nominate and vote in the election may do so by paying their dues arrearages, together with the reinstatement fee, on or before March 1, 2023. Click here for information on dues.

The official Notice of Nominations for the 2023 Election was emailed to eligible members today around 1:00 p.m. ET. A PDF of the Notice of Nominations is available below.
