In June 2023, AGMA announced the Union's new President, Officers, and Governors. The award-winning Summer 2023 issue of AGMAzine featured interviews with President Ned Hanlon and Officers J. Austin Bitner, Brian August, Helena Brown, Antuan Byers, Andres Garcia, Katharine Goeldner, Cameo Humes, and Jennifer Wallace. Now, as part of our AGMAzine Spotlight Series, we will be featuring these union leaders every Wednesday.
Today, we spotlight Andres Garcia, AGMA's Eastern and Southern Region Vice President.
“Seven years ago, I joined the Board to support and serve the Union and the Artists of AGMA. I ran for an Officer position so that I could continue to voice the priorities and concerns of AGMA Artists at the tables of leadership in this Union. My priorities are to continue pushing for industry-wide D.E.I.B. accountability; supporting organizing and Union/membership initiatives; and setting new industry-standards that see Artists protected, appreciated, and fairly compensated. As an Officer, I aim to shorten the distance between AGMA members and leadership. I’m always happy to connect, so don’t hesitate to reach out!”
To read his full interview, check out the Summer 2023 issue of AGMAzine.