Area Committee Elections: The self-nomination period starts on January 29.
Area Committees are an essential part of AGMA. As you know, AGMA functions as a nationwide union, operating without a system of locals. Membership Areas serve as the framework for fostering connections among members across various locations. They also provide a pathway for extensive member involvement in our union. Simply put, strong Area Committees help us build power in our shops, at the bargaining table, and across the country.
To self-nominate to be on your Area Committee, please complete the form that was emailed to Area Members in good standing on January 29 (members should receive this information around 1:00 p.m. ET). All forms are due by no later than February 5, 9:00 p.m. ET. Late submissions will not be accepted.
AGMA thanks all members for considering becoming more involved in their union!