
Information on 2024 Basic Annual Dues from AGMA President

Published November 15, 2023   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

Hi, I’m Ned Hanlon, President of AGMA.

So, how are we nearing the end of 2023 already? I know that there is so much on our minds at this time of year, but among the many things we need to think about as we usher in the new year: it's almost time to submit our 2024 AGMA Basic Annual Dues. Starting as soon as this week, AGMA members will begin receiving our Basic Dues Statements for next year.

As AGMA President, I want to emphasize the vital need for all members to maintain good standing status – it’s how you ensure that you can actively participate at every level of the Union. This means staying up to date on all payments and installment plans. To engage in negotiations, vote on contracts, attend caucus or committee meetings, receive important email updates, access MyAGMA, and to vote, nominate, or run as a candidate in union elections, members must remain in good standing.

I’ve been a proud, dues-paying member of AGMA since singing in Carmen at Michigan Opera Theatre in 2009, and I couldn’t be more excited to serve as AGMA’s President during this exciting time for the Union. We've already achieved remarkable feats, securing exceptional gains in our contracts, fighting back against blatant union busting at companies, earning a seat at the table at the White House, demonstrating solidarity by marching alongside our fellow unions, advocating for arts funding and tax relief, organizing new companies, and warmly welcoming new AGMA Artists into our union.

From our Board of Governors to our Area Chairs, Delegates, and every single member, it is AGMA artists who have been at the forefront of these major wins and milestones, guided by the expertise and support of AGMA's professional staff. Together, we've harnessed the strength of our collective power to safeguard the rights and enhance the compensation and working conditions of our members.

The achievements of our growing union are made possible by AGMA Artists paying their dues, which allows us to pool our resources and stand together in unwavering solidarity, beholden to no one but our fellow members.

More to come over the next few weeks. Please direct any dues-related questions to

Thank you and Solidarity Forever!

Ned Hanlon

AGMA President