
One Year Later: A Message from AGMA

Published March 12, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

It is difficult to properly reflect on something we are still very much living through. Last spring brought with it change, deep loss, and isolation we never knew before. But it didn’t take away our passion or resolve.

AGMA Artists gave new meaning to the word “perseverance,” enduring through the loss of work and income, changes in their location, facing the unknown, and more. Resilient and innovative, AGMA Artists have proven that powerful Art can be created from anywhere, and continually reach people who need it most, as long as there is deep meaning and heart behind the work.

Yes, we are still in this heartbreaking and financially devastating standstill. Tomorrow will be one year and one day, then one year and two days...and rebuilding will be an uphill climb, but one worth traversing. There is no going back, forward is the only direction. We know the urge to rush through the remaining time of this pandemic is tempting, but it’s not the way.

Deliberate steps ultimately cover more ground. AGMA will continue to do whatever we can to keep our members safe, protected, and informed. Our belief in the Arts, our confidence in science, and our connection with each other will get us through what will hopefully be the final stretch of this dark moment in our history.

As we have said before: the Performing Arts are a vital part of our economy and our identity and will be an essential part of our recovery and healing process. We've seen the Arts work its magic before, and we cannot wait to return to our stages and come together in a way we haven’t been able to for a very long time.

Stay safe, healthy, and hopeful.