Last week the stage managers of Pacific Northwest Ballet (PNB) in Seattle, Washington voted unanimously to join the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA). The election was conducted by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). AGMA already represents the dancers at PNB and the production staff will constitute a separate bargaining unit.
"We the Stage Managers of PNB are thrilled and proud to be officially represented by AGMA. We thank Nora Heiber (AGMA Western Executive), Leonard Egert (AGMA National Executive Director), and Andrew H. Baker (Outside Counsel) for all of their hard work to help make this happen," stated the stage managers of Pacific Northwest Ballet.
“I welcome the production staff of PNB into the AGMA family. I know from personal experience the dedication, devotion and hard work that stage managers put into all their productions. AGMA is honored to represent this group,” said President Raymond Menard.
“We look forward to bargaining a fair contract for the production staff at PNB and welcome these stage managers into AGMA. Production staff play a vital role in dance and opera productions and we are pleased to represent their interests,” stated Leonard Egert, National Executive Director.
This group represents the sixth bargaining unit organized by AGMA over the past two and half years joining artists voting for the union at Sarasota Ballet, Sacramento Ballet, Oregon Ballet Theatre, Nevada Ballet Theatre and Music at Westwood.