
Sacramento Ballet Artists Vote to Join AGMA

Published April 25, 2017   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The Sacramento Ballet Artists Voted 23-1 in favor of Joining the American Guild of Musical Artists.

Sacramento, CA (April 24, 2017) – The Dancers, Stage Managers and Apprentices who comprise the Artists of Sacramento Ballet voted overwhelmingly to be represented by the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA), the national labor union that represents dancers, singers, and stage production staff in dance and opera companies throughout the US.

The election, conducted on Friday by the National Labor Relations Board, resulted in a vote of 23-1 in favor of AGMA.  This marks the second Ballet company in only the past two months to elect to join the ranks of companies represented by AGMA.  Just last month, the Artists of Sarasota Ballet in Florida voted overwhelmingly in favor of AGMA’s representation.

“I congratulate the Artists of Sacramento Ballet and welcome them as they join AGMA’s growing membership throughout the country.  We look forward to beginning negotiations with the company to guarantee the kinds of protections and conditions other professional dancers and production staff enjoy” stated Leonard Egert, National Executive Director of AGMA.

Nora Heiber, AGMA’s National Dance Executive said, “I have been extremely impressed with the enthusiasm, professionalism and genuine concern for the future of the Sacramento Ballet, especially regarding its artistic direction, that these esteemed Artists have demonstrated throughout the organizing process.  I am very much looking forward to serving them as their representative.”

You can find the official press release here.