
Save the Date: 2022 NYC Labor Day Parade

Published August 11, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA members are invited to join AGMA and the New York Labor Movement at the 2022 NYC Labor Day Parade on Saturday, September 10! The parade kicks off at 10:00 a.m. at Fifth Avenue & 44th Street.

AGMA leaders, staff, and members will walk proudly in the parade behind our brand-new union banner for the first time since summer 2019. Any AGMA members in the area are invited to walk with their union.

This year’s theme is WORKERS LEADING, WORKERS RISING and is organized by the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, the federation of 300 unions representing 1.3 million workers in the NYC area, which is the nation's largest municipal labor federation. AGMA and many of its sibling unions have a direct charter with the AFL-CIO.

This message is simply a “save the date.” AGMA will follow up soon with more detailed information, including a time and specific place to meet and a link to register.