If you are a union member who participates in certain Union Plus programs and have been affected by the recent flooding and mudslides that struck West Virginia, you may be eligible for financial assistance through the Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant program. Unprecedented flooding has left thousands of families displaced, and many do not have flood insurance.
Union Plus Disaster Relief Grants of $500 are available to eligible members who have a Union Plus Credit Card(1), Union Plus Life or Accidental Death Insurance, or Union Plus Auto Insurance, or Union Plus Mortgage. Participants who live in Clay, Fayette, Greenbrier, Kanawha, Monroe, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Roane, Summers and Webster counties may be eligible for these grants. The approved grants do not have to be repaid.
To qualify for a Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant, your residence must be in one of the above-listed counties and you:
1. Have been a victim of the severe weather in counties designated by FEMA as qualifying for individual assistance. (List of qualifying counties available at UnionPlus.org/Disaster.)
2. Have experienced a significant loss of income or property within the last six months due to the disaster.
3. Have had a Union Plus Credit Card, Union Plus Life or Accidental Death Insurance, or Union Plus Auto Insurance, or Union Plus Mortgage for at least 12 months with the account or policy in good standing (be up-to-date on payments).
To apply for a disaster relief grant if you participate in any of the following programs call:
Union Plus Credit Card: 1-800-622-2580
Union Plus Mortgage: 1-800-472-2005
Union Plus Insurance: 1-800-472-2005
The Union Plus Disaster Relief Fund has provided nearly $1 million in assistance to union members facing hardships following Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina, floods, wild fires and other natural disasters.
For more information about the Union Plus disaster benefits, visit UnionPlus.org/Disaster.
If you are not involved in the Union Plus program, there are federal disaster aid programs that may assist those affected by the floods. Visit UnionPlus.org/WestVirginiato be redirected to the FEMA West Virginia
flood information page.
(1) Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license by MasterCard International Incorporated.